The DairyMix project completed its annual meeting and general assembly from October 14th to 17th in Rennes, France. Partners from participating institutions gathered at the Institut Agro Rennes-Angers, with additional digital participation options for those unable to travel.
Early arrivals were treated to a guided tour at the INRAE experimental facilities in St-Gilles, focusing on Climate-House-animal-manure-interactions. The subsequent days were dedicated to reviewing progress in the project’s work packages.
With data analysis mostly completed, results were presented and discussed. The focus was on the next steps to project finalization, planning future publications and implementing the results in a long-lasting platform for dissemination. This online platform aims to assist dairy farmers and extension services in enhancing the circularity and sustainability of dairy production systems in different regions. Work package discussions included Management and coordination (WP1), Data from the case study farms (WP2), Carbon and nutrient circular mixed farming systems models (WP3), Multicriteria assessment of mixed farming systems (WP4) and Communication and dissemination (WP5).
We would like to extend our gratitude to the INRAE team, and especially Emma Soulé and Aurelie Wilfart for hosting us. It was truly a successful and fruitful meeting!