Study highlights Challenges faced by Norwegian dairy farmers

A recent DairyMix – publication titled “Sosial bærekraft i landbruket. Hvor mye orker bøndene?” (Social sustainability in agriculture: How much can farmers endure?) by Hilde Helgesen and Bjørn Egil Flø (both NIBIO) in the Norwegian Journal Plan, explore the challenges faced by Norwegian dairy farmers focusing on social sustainability, economic pressures, and mental health within…

Environmentally Friendly Opportunities and Charts a Path Toward Sustainability for Norwegian Dairy Farms

Dr. Habtamu Alem (NIBIO, Norway) has recently published two studies focused on Norwegian dairy farms. The first article “A parametric analysis of eco-efficiency and its determinants: Evidence from Norwegian dairy farms”, in The Journal of Agricultural Economics, examines the eco-efficiency of Norwegian dairy farms over 30 years, focusing on methane (CH4) emissions. Analyzing data from…

Reducing emissions and nutrient losses in European dairy production systems: Towards context specific and adapted solutions

Dairy production systems (DPS) across Europe face significant sustainability challenges. Among these, the need to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and nitrogen (N) losses is becoming increasingly crucial due to binding international agreements and legal requirements. However, given the diversity of DPS, the successful reduction of these negative impacts needs from tailored strategies and adapted…

Nitrogen workshop 2024: DairyMix team in action

A large group of participants of the DairyMix project team had a productive participation at The XXII International Nitrogen (N) Workshop 2024 held at Aarhus University, Denmark. The team members shared their research through oral presentations and poster displays. Lennart Kokemohr from Ruralis, Norway shared his research on “Coupling Cropping System and Bioeconomic Optimization Models to Assess Nitrogen…