The DairyMix project will bring the following innovations:
- Asses farm typologies for integration of crop and livestock production across Europe and in Latin America
- Collect and evaluate data on mixed crop-dairy systems including data analytics with supervised learning algorithms
- Further refine and implement the OTICE for barn climate optimisation and emission control, and for animal welfare monitoring
- Develop a detailed concept for an EU Level Emission Database (EULED) fed by an internationally distributed emission monitoring network
- Use the models ARMOSA and FarmDyn and link them for mixed farm circularity modelling
- Perform environmental (LCA), economy, and social assessments
- Integrate all three pillars of sustainability into a multi-criteria assessment of circular crop-dairy production systems
- Enable contrasting impetus to the three pillars and allow flexible and context specific concepts for key European areas
- Enable stakeholders, farmers and politicians to make sound, knowledge-based decisions for circular crop-dairy systems
- Inform the consumer about circular crop-dairy-systems and their benefits
- Further refine and enlarge the easy to use and long living online MilKey/DairyMix platform that assists stakeholder and farmers in finding sustainable solutions in their region and that informs the consumer about the key elements of circular crop-dairy systems
- Position Europe as a world-leader in sustainable and circular crop-dairy systems as a blueprint to be transferred to other world regions