Mixed crop-livestock farming was common in many areas of Europe. Nowadays, crop and livestock production are highly specialised and less connected. The consequences are, among others, high concentrations of animals in few regions, large imports of feed, simplification of crop rotations, high use of mineral fertilizers and pesticides, landscape homogenization and biodiversity loss.

Dairy production systems are an essential backbone of European agriculture, but they are particularly prone to these problems.

Circularity aims at closing the loop of resources. Context-specific (re)-integration of crop and livestock systems offers the possibility to reduce emissions and to use natural resources more efficiently. Linear approaches need to be complemented or replaced by more holistic approaches.

DairyMix is carrying out multi-criteria assessment, and developing decision support, modelling and management tools for sustainable circular mixed farming systems for dairy production.

Young cows Norway









Identify options to increase integration of crop-livestock-forestry with reduced GHG emissions and improved environmental, economic and social sustainability
Identify trade-offs and synergies between sustainability indicators of integrated crop-livestock-forestry systems and carry out a multi-criteria assessment
Develop concepts for carbon and nutrient flows, protein self-sufficiency and improved manure nutrient utilization for characteristic farm typologies and develop concepts for carbon and nutrient circularity
Assess the status of crop-forestry integration of European dairy production systems (DPS) in key regions for characteristic farm typologies using case study farms and Eurostat data
Refine the prototype of a low cost modular barn sensor framework and install it on case study farms for online monitoring of barn climate, barn climate management, emission control and improved animal welfare
Implement the results on a long-lasting platform for dissemination and stakeholder interaction, assisting dairy farmers and extension service in improving the circularity and sustainability of their DPS and providing information for consumers and the public on key concepts for circular, low emission and sustainable a DPS in European regions
Establish an inter- and transdisciplinary long-term multi-stakeholder partnership with scientists, farmers, farm advisors, industry, consumers and policy makers at European and international level for increased efficiency of integrated crop-livestock-forestry


Study highlights Challenges faced by Norwegian dairy farmers

A recent DairyMix – publication titled “Sosial bærekraft i landbruket. Hvor mye orker bøndene?” (Social sustainability in agriculture: How much can farmers endure?) by Hilde Helgesen and Bjørn Egil Flø (both NIBIO) in the Norwegian Journal Plan, explore the challenges faced by Norwegian dairy farmers focusing on social sustainability, economic pressures, and mental health within…

Annual DairyMix Meeting 2024 in Beautiful Rennes, France

The DairyMix project completed its annual meeting and general assembly from October 14th to 17th in Rennes, France. Partners from participating institutions gathered at the Institut Agro Rennes-Angers, with additional digital participation options for those unable to travel. Early arrivals were treated to a guided tour at the INRAE experimental facilities in St-Gilles, focusing on…

DairyMix Poster Now Available for Download

We are pleased to announce that a comprehensive poster from the DairyMix project is now available for download. This poster presents our project’s aim, which is to reduce GHG emissions and improve environmental, economic, and social sustainability in dairy production. This is a great opportunity to understand more about our mission and approach. Download your…