NIBIO is one of the largest research institutes in Norway with approximately 700 employees. NIBIO contributes to food security and safety, sustainable resource management, innovation and value creation through research and knowledge production.

The NIBIO researchers participating in DairyMix are located at different work stations across the country. Grete has office at NIBIO Tjøtta in the northern part of Norway. Habtamu, John-Olav and Divina are located in Ås in the south-east while Bjørn-Egil has office in Trondheim. Ellen has office at Holt station in Tromsø at the far north of Norway. The main office for NIBIO is at Ås. You can find out more by clicking on the links for each name in the “people involved” box.


NIBIO leads WP5 (Communication and dissemination). NIBIO organized the kick-off meeting in collaboration with Ruralis and coordinates with the project coordinator in arranging workshops, updating the project website and managing the social media. NIBIO also contributes with data from case study farms in Norway (WP2) to be used in the other workpackages.