University College Dublin

D04 V1W8

Dublin 4



Prof. Tom Curran


University College Dublin (UCD) is Ireland’s largest university with over 30,000 students drawn from 136 countries, including almost 4,000 students based at locations outside of Ireland. UCD is the only university in Ireland with a dedicated School of Agriculture and Food Science that delivers education and research on the complete food chain from initial on farm production through processing to final consumption by the consumer. The School has over 50 academic staff that teach, conduct research and provide service at many levels to the agriculture and food industry. The School has chosen to focus on the four areas of Production Agriculture, Agribusiness and Rural Development, Agri-Environment and Sustainable Resource Management, and Food Science and Nutrition as the core elements of its Agriculture and Food Science Programmes.


PhD student at UCD carries out deployment and data collection with particular interest at evaluating GHG mitigation options from animal housing and manure storage solutions and the impact of circularity in animal feeding on emission levels. UCD also contributes to deep data analysis of GHG and N fluxes and to the deployment and maintenance of the OTICE system. In particular, the PhD student validates concentration and emission levels from OTICE with a cutting-edge technology of open-path FTIR monitoring. UCD contributes to WP5 through presentation of the PhD project findings at national and international conferences, participation in project workshops and stakeholder meetings and publications in peer reviewed journals.